Intra uterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is placed in the uterus to interfere with fertilization. IUCDs are highly effective with an efficacy between 97%-99%. With an IUCD in place, the transport of sperm and eggs through the fallopian tubes are altered, preventing fertilization. It also causes the destruction of sperm and egg, secondary to inflammatory changes in the uterus.

There are two types of IUCDs available.

·         TCopper Multi-Load 375 whose life span is for 5 years; and

·         Copper CuT 380 A, whose life span is for 10 years.


·         IUCD is a safe, easy to use, reversible, effective method of child spacing for couples with at least one child;

·         Breast-feeding women can safely use iUCDs;

·         IUCDs can be good choice for women with oral contraceptive pills precautions;


Intra uterine contraceptive device (IUCD) is placed in the uterus to interfere with fertilization. IUCDs are highly effective with an efficacy between 97%-99%. With an IUCD in place, the transport of sperm and eggs through the fallopian tubes are altered, preventing fertilization. It also causes the destruction of sperm and egg, secondary to inflammatory changes in the uterus.

There are two types of IUCDs available.

·         Not advised for women without any children;

·         Poor insertion and removal practices in clinics put client and practitioner at risk of serious infections, including pelvic inflammatory diseases, HIV and Hepatitis B; and

·         Does not prevent STDs.


IUCDs are indicated for women who are

·         Sensitive to hormonal contraceptives; and

·         Want long-term spacing.


·         Pregnancy;

·         Unexplained vaginal bleeding;

·         Cervical Cancer;

·         Endometrial, Ovarian cancer;

·         Pelvic Inflammatory Disease;

·         Hydatidiform mole;

·         Anatomical Abnormalities;

·         Severe Dysmenorrhea; and

·         Iron Deficiency Anemia.

Sides effects & management

Sides effects  Management


If you are over 45, amenorrhea could be related to menopause; If you are not pregnant, continue using IUCD;

Irregular Bleeding

Evaluate for pelvic infection, pain or tenderness, palpable mass or enlarged uterus


Assess for pelvic inflammatory disease. If not found and cramping is not severe, continue otherwise get the IUCD removed and choose another method.

Pelvic Infection

If abdominal and pelvic examination including microscopic examination supports diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease, get IUCD removed and take antibiotics.

Vaginal Discharge

Assess for history of STDs. If found positive get treated accordingly and get IUCD removed only in cases of strongly suspected or diagnosed gonorrhea or Chlamydia.

Danger sign

                If the following signs appear, this should be taken as an emergency situation and the woman having an IUCD inserted should be taken to a hospital immediately.

·         Period Late;

·         Abdominal pain

·         Infection

·         Not feeling well, fever chills; and

·         String missing, shorter or longer

Where to get services
                Oral pills is available in all program and non program outlets, the oral pills is also available in all medical stores.